16th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge and Systems Engineering (KSE 2024)
Eastin Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 5 – 7 November 2024 (Hybrid)

Special Session: Cyber Analytics (CA)


Cyber Analytics (CA) is the collection, processing, and analysis of security-related data to provide actionable insights and enhance an organization’s security posture. It focuses on using data analysis tools and techniques to collect, process, and analyze data security to identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate a security breach and, if necessary, respond to those cyber threats. CA explore the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the enhancement of cybersecurity to make cyberspace more secure and trusted. It is crucial in today’s digital landscape as it empowers organizations to proactively identify and mitigate cyber threats. It enables the detection of patterns and anomalies that may indicate potential security breaches by leveraging advanced data analysis, Machine Learning (ML) and AI techniques. This proactive approach not only helps in preventing attacks but also minimizes the impact of any incidents that do occur. As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity, the role of CA becomes increasingly vital in safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining trust in digital systems. In recent years, CA has also derived challenges from new and emerging fields and technologies.

This special session will bring together experts from academia and industry across different countries to discuss new ideas and results at the intersection of Cybersecurity and AI research fields. This proactive and predictive approach leverages advanced analytics, AI, and ML to provide insights into potential cyber threats. It is expected to provide participants with the opportunity to make meaningful connections and develop mutual understanding using a combination of insights and methods. This special session is being organized for the first time at KSE.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Session Organizers

The papers of this session will be printed in proceeding of main conference which will be published by IEEE and be available at the conference. Papers should be submitted through the online paper submission system:

Authors are invited to submit papers of up to 6 pages, written in English, in PDF format and compliant with the IEEE standard. The submissions will be peer-reviewed for originality and scientific quality.


Important Dates: (GMT +8:00) See Important Dates

PC Members